
Russian Shepherdess

Well, it's been a while since I posted and there has been a lot going on. Since my last post I've been back to Norway again and even had a little vacation within a vacation in Riga, Latvia. Yes, Latvia is a real country and no it's the fictitious country Dr. Doom comes from. While we were in Riga we ate at a terrific Russian restaurant and I kind of Shepherd's pie but it was covered in bread instead of potatoes.
Here's a picture of it. On the menu it was called Shepherdess.
It was terrific. It was a lamb stew with baked bread over it. Delicious. As a child of the cold war I would have never suspected I liked Russian food.

There's a ton more to share including Norwegian kababs and a 12th century feast. More to come I promise. That's it for now.

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